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Mockup showing a paperback copy of "Cherish" by SHeritha Singh. The cover is black, with pink smoke and flames behind the title, which is a bright pink.

Sarah cannot escape the deadly Ludus—a mind-body dissociation game where bodies and souls don't always merge after the game is over.Sixteen-year-old Sarah Parker's healing touch can bring beings back to life, provided they haven't crossed over. Until now she's managed to keep her gift a secret, but somebody seems determined to expose her and get her back into St. Mary's Orphanage.

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Title leaving the Kindle Unlimited library on April 15th


    Kindle edition released January 16th, 2023

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    Pre-Order a Locally Printed Copy

    By placing a pre-order for the locally printed paperback, your contribution to the author is the majority of the sale. To do this, we (the publisher), decided to work with local printing services to get copies of Cherish printed right here. This saves on shipping and import fees, and has a faster turnaround.However, to get this done, the printers require a minimum order of at least 10 copies. After this order, the book will be listed as print-on-demand, similar to other services (such as Amazon's KDP, which we are also using). This allows copies to be printed as required, which is more economical.This pre-order is to get everything up and running for South African readers. The book is already published as a Kindle Unlimited ebook, and a print-on-demand paperback for supported Amazon regions internationallyIf the pre-order target is met by mid-April, orders will ship by the end of the month. If the target is not met by then, we will extend the period (or you can request a refund).